What are Mosaics?

Green Leaf-Shape Interior 3D Irregular Mosaic

What are Mosaics?

Mosaics are assemblages composed out of tessera (small pieces of glass, stone, or other nature-based materials). When made out of glass, these pieces are typically cut into squares or shaped using special tools.

The tiles or fragments are then arranged into patterns, pictures, and other decorative designs that are held together by an adhesive and grout.

2019 American Exhibition ariety of shapes and colors

The History of Mosaics

Mosaics have been a popular art form in several cultures around the world. The earliest known mosaics were found in a Mesopotamian temple dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. Made up of ivory, seashells, and stones, these decorative, abstract pieces laid the groundwork for mosaics made thousands of years later in Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Unlike the Mesopotamian mosaic-makers, however, Classical artists opted to create pictures, patterns, and motifs in their mosaics.

A beautiful compass mosaic tile

Mosaics are also a celebrated staple of early Islamic architecture, proving particularly popular in the 7th and 8th centuries. These works often feature repeating geometric forms, vivid color, and ornate patterns and appear both within and on the façades of buildings.

During the Middle Ages, mosaics were central to Byzantine art. Often portraits, these pieces are renowned for their intricate details and liberal use of glimmering gold leaf. While most of these works have been destroyed, those that remain are celebrated as some of the most splendid mosaics in the world.

2018 American Exhibition Specialists in mosaic exploration and transformation

Design and Innovation

GROSSO With over 20 years in the field of natural stone, we provide assistance to professionals in the implementation of its various projects, of different sizes and stages, in all artistic fields.
We offer the full availability of our services and technical support in developing projects for interior, exterior and furniture pieces, all in a personalized way. We provide our catalogs, including images of textures of the natural stones for implementation in 3D environments, as well as samples of different types of stone and finishes available.
We believe that companies who associate the group, develop relationships each other with unilateral benefits, achieving success and ensuring a gradual conquest of notoriety, visibility, reinforcing the image and brand enhancement.

We always seek to establish partnerships and collaboration, particularly with architects and designers in developing products with varying of natural stone.
Bring your project to run with us, contact us for further information.

We also have highly specialized teams for transportation and placement of material on site.



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